This week in The Hockey News magazine, it’s our Fan Issue, with stories dedicated to the people who make the game what it is: You! Features include: Tampa’s Triplets, our Fan Suffering Index, and the 10 things each fan must do before they die.
This week in The Hockey News magazine, it’s our Fan Issue, with stories dedicated to the people who make the game what it is: You! Features include: Good Things Come In 3s – A Czech, a Russian and an American walk into a…It sounds like a bad joke, but Tampa’s Triplets are the most unlikely trio in the NHL. The Lightning’s trifecta took the league by storm last season and doesn’t expect to have separation anxiety in 2015-16 A Day With ‘Doc’ – THN tags along with Mike Emrick to see a day in the life of one of hockey’s most iconic broadcasters Fan Suffering Index – Devastating defeats, Cup droughts and annual April golf contribute to this list of the most hurting fans Get Off The Couch – All diehards should have these 10 must-do fan experiences on their hockey bucket lists Whose Puck Is It Anyway? – The Barilko mystery grows as long-time Leafs fan claims to have the puck from the historic OT goal Editor’s Notebook – These five spoiled fan bases can’t complain What do starts matter? – Don’t put too much stock into first 10 games Mark Giordano – ‘Gio’ is the ultimate leader on and off the ice John Carlson – With each passing season, the Caps blueliner is raising the bar Hockey's biggest celeb fan – Full-time crooner, part-time WHL team owner and all-time Canucks fan, Michael Buble dreams of taking his NHL fandom to the next level Prospect Report – Wild in no hurry to rush highly touted Reilly; and how the Firebirds are putting the fun back in Flint The Straight Edge – Double the fun for dual citizens as Canada and the U.S. battle for the best prospects Best Of The Books – How The Great One closed his first book deal Strange But True – The Maple Leafs last won the Cup with a past-their-prime roster and coach with a gut feeling Backchecking – A generation before Andrew Hammond burst onto the scene, Patrick Lalime, was an unbeatable goalie for the Penguins Overtime – General managers can’t have it both ways…teams got their cap and poaching compensation, only to pounce on loopholes. How will they mess up 3-on-3 OT? And much more.
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