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    Mark Malinowski·Sep 18, 2011·Partner

    Jim Fox

    Jim FoxJim Fox

    Status: Former NHL right winger from 1980-1990 for the Los Angeles Kings. Currently serves as a TV broadcaster for the Kings.

    Ht: 5-foot-10 Wt: 185 pounds

    DOB: May 18, 1960 In: Coniston, Ont.

    First Hockey Memory: "Skating on the ice behind our home. My older brother (Michael) played hockey. I remember skating with no boards. We'd skate as long as possible, ‘til our feet froze."

    Nickname: "Just ‘Foxy’ - kind of simple. My brother Steve's friends called me Seymour - I have no idea why. Billy Harris called me ‘Sly.’"

    Last Book Read: “The book about Louie Zamperini (Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand). He was a miler before World War II. He ran in the 1936 Olympics. It's an incredible story about his life, an incredible story about survival."

    Favorite Movies: "Wow. So many. Pulp Fiction. Field of Dreams. The Natural. I've got a million of them. Inside The Actor's Studio is one of my favorite shows."

    Hockey Inspirations: "Bobby Orr. Just watching him play. The way he controlled the game. At that point he redefined the game. Of course he was known for his end-to-end rushes, but also how he quarterbacked the power play, how he could run out the clock, blocking shots. And my older brother Michael. He played with the Oshawa Generals and went to college."

    First Job: "I don't want to admit to this one - hockey player for the Los Angeles Kings. My family was very supportive and made it easy for me to play hockey."

    Current Car: "The ultimate driving machine - BMW 750i (black)."

    Embarrassing Hockey Memory: "That's a tough question. Maybe I blacked it out. Nothing comes to mind...(pauses)...How's this? I remember going on a road trip, probably around February. We went to Winnipeg and Edmonton. Going into those games I was plus-10 on the season. After those two games I was minus-1. I would say in those two games I was embarrassed at some point."

    Greatest Sports Moment: "That's a great question. It would have to be the 1982 series against Edmonton when we came back from 5-0 down, the Miracle on Manchester. Coming back and winning that series. Those were incredible teams in Edmonton. To have that chance to beat them definitely sticks out."

    Most Painful Moment: "There were lots of them. Any time being hit by Ray Bourque. That was it. He was the strongest guy I ever played against."

    Favorite Uniforms: "The Original Six teams. The gold jersey we wore took a lot of heat back in the day. I take all the jerseys around to show the kids and 90 percent of them pick the gold one as their favorite."

    Favorite Arenas To Play: "The Montreal Forum, the old Forum. As far as excitement and noise, it was Chicago Stadium."

    Closest Hockey Friends: "A lot of friends. Mark Hardy. Dave Taylor. Those guys are real close, we spent a lot of time together. Phil Sykes. After my playing career I've gotten to know Marcel Dionne more."

    Funniest Players Encountered: "There are a lot of them, for different reasons. Bubba Beck was hilarious. The practical joker was Mark Hardy, just how he endeared himself to his teammates. Bubba was funny in any circumstance, on or off the ice. He had one-liners, snide comments, maybe a different perception than the big tough image he was known for."

    Toughest Competitors Encountered: "I always thought Brian Sutter was a tough competitor. Al Secord when he was in Chicago. He was a tough guy to go against, he scored a lot, always going for pucks."

    Most Memorable Goal: "That's a good question, too. That's a tough one for me. I didn't have any to win a series. I remember my first goal, but that was a fluke. I was behind the net. I threw it out front and it went in off the defenseman's skate against Detroit at the Great Western Forum. It made the score 7-1 and we won 9-1."

    Funny Hockey Memory: "Bubba Beck reading the Penthouse Forum in the back of the bus (smiles). He would add his comments and character to it. Any of the initiations - they call it hazing now. There's just so many. Want to hear a funny and scary one? Tiger Williams had written a book. He was with L.A. the time it came out. He had a box of the books delivered to the dressing room. Tiger was the kind of guy who didn't give anything away for free. The books got there before he got there. Bernie Nicholls got there and he started giving them out. ‘Here, have a book from Tiger.’ Our dressing room there was different, it was like a long hallway, with 12 players on one side and 12 on the other. That same day, a friend of the trainer was there. He was an archer. He brought in a big, high quality bow. Tiger got a hold of it. Tiger used to hunt bears with a bow and arrow. He was an expert. Bernie was bent over tying his skates at the end of the small hallway. Everyone's getting ready. Tiger yelled, ‘What did you do with my books?’ He shot the arrow and missed everyone's head by a foot. You could hear it go by, pheeeeew. The arrow clanged into a duct. That was funny and scary at the same time. I don't think Bernie handed out many more books (smiles)."

    Strangest Game: "I don't know if I've ever seen it since. A game at the Great Western Forum. Larry Murphy and Doug Smith were on the ice against Philadelphia. We were down 2-1 and pulled the goalie. They scored to make it 3-1. Then we scored twice to tie it up. I've never seen it again where a team got scored on after pulling the goalie and then scored twice to tie the game. I would assume it happened, but I've never seen it. It was so unusual. That comes to mind."

    Favorite Players To Watch: "Now it's pretty simple. I'd say Ovechkin. I like Martin St-Louis because I'm a little guy. Sidney Crosby is impressive just because of the intensity he brings. In the past, Bobby Orr stands out. He's the best player I've ever seen."

    Favorite Sport Outside Hockey: "That's another good question. I would have to say soccer - football. I love the game. In elementary school our principal was from Brazil. He taught us how to play. We've got the Galaxy (MLS) in L.A. I'm impressed by those athletes."

    People Qualities Most Admired:
    "Just honest work. There's a quote that stands out - I don't have it in front of me - it's from John Wooden: ‘A lot of success can be had if no one cares who gets the credit.’ ”

    Mark 'Scoop' Malinowski's second book "Marcelo Rios: The Man We Barely Knew" will be available on www.amazon.com in September. Malinowski is the creator of two websites: www.thebiofile.com and www.tennis-prose.com

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